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All Posts by ASF Scholars

New ASF Students begin 2019-2020 Program Year

The beginning of the school year in Mexico means the addition of new middle school students into the ASF program.   These students must apply to the program and must demonstrate their commitment to their academic goals.

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ASF Class of 2019

Meet ASF’s 2019 class. We are very proud of their efforts to overcome many obstacles to continue their path to achieve their academic goals.

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ASF Kicks off new academic year

The beginning of the new school year is always an exciting one for all those involved in ASF.  It is a time for alumni to celebrate their accomplishments and mentor new students and set academic goals for the upcoming year.  Middle school graduates must make a presentation highlighting their past

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USD’s Research week utilizes ASF students as a satellite station

ASF students participated in USD’s Research week in Spring 2018 where they were challenged to create, shape, and deliver three-dimensional works of science and art. The Knapp Chair of Liberal Arts guest educators, Erik and Martin Demaine created paper challenges that required ASF students to “cut and glue items such

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Community Center Roots – Alfredo Maier

Alfredo Maier traveled from Germany to pay a visit to ASF and his friends at the Community Center in Colonia Tecolote. Many years ago Alfredo lived and worked at the Centro de Comunidad as the supervisor of German Jesuit volunteers who worked as teachers at the center. As a result

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Family Support is an Important part of student success

Twice a year, ASF students invite their parents to an interactive workshop that they participate in together. Recently, Hector Meza and Karina Serrano from CVLCC discussed Cultural Ancestral Teachings and Human Values with the group.   The theme was authentic communication and the barriers that get in the way of

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Jenn DePoy, board member and long time ASF volunteer, celebrated Posada in Tijuana by collecting over 70 backpacks filled with school supplies utilizing her own network of friends, colleagues and family. Jenn is a gift to our organization and we appreciate her efforts making a lasting impact on the ASF

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